What Are You Stitching?
2nd February 2024
Ching Smith
‘At the 2022 AGM, The Alexandra WI (Women’s Institute) organised a competition to ‘Make/Decorate a Lanyard’. I used the WI colours, tatted green and white. The purple cord came from a shopping bag, which so happened to be the appropriate length.’
‘The embroidered scene I created was inspired by Jo Butcher’s Allium Meadow. For stiffness, I used an old credit card. The back of the name tag is the logo of ‘The Alexandra WI’. Unfortunately, due to lack of time and space in the plastic wallet, this was not embroidered but I am pleased to say that this was the winner!’
A well deserving piece for first prize, Ching! Your creative interpretation of Allium Meadow as the name tag was such a clever idea, delightful.
Rebecca Brent
‘As they say, some things are worth waiting for.
Inspirations issue #36 was one of the first I ever saw; the magazine was hard to come by in my part of the US twenty years ago!’
‘I opened the magazine, saw Nature’s Jewel by Wendy Innes, and knew that I wanted to stitch it. I finally got all of the materials together, thanks to the kit offered by Wendy through Tanja Berlin’s shop in Canada last year.’
‘So, here’s my dream project from 2002, and it was truly worth the wait. I took my time and enjoyed the stitching, and now I will always have a hummingbird and flowers to brighten my days.’
We love this story, Rebecca! You have stitched the piece immaculately. It was always meant to be…
Ligia Sophia
‘I live in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. I often travel to Ilha Bela on the north coast of São Paulo State and at the house we usually stay there are plenty of hummingbirds.’
‘They captivated my attention and I decided to try three-dimensional embroidery. These are the results.’
Ligia, what bright, delightful friends you have stitched! We love that you were inspired by your travel to create them, carrying with them happy memories of time away amongst the hummingbirds.
Have you stitched a name tag? Have you completed a dream project? Are you inspired to stitch by your surroundings?
Whatever you are stitching, we’d love to see it! Email photos of what you’ve created with needle and thread along with a few details about your stitching journey to news@inspirationsstudios.com