Treasure Trove of Magazines Discovered…

20th January 2023

Here’s an exciting thing that happened over the holidays… late last year we consolidated some of our global warehousing, which resulted in the discovery of a few boxes tucked away.

When these boxes arrived at our office, it was like opening a pirate’s treasure chest of booty!

Inside we discovered a collection of different Inspirations magazine titles, 30 of which had been sold out, including super popular and rare issues such as #01, #37, #85, #100 & #106, just to name a few.

Now for some issues we only have 1 or 2 copies for sale and for the older issues, whilst they are brand new, any publication nearly 30 years old will have a couple of small blemishes here and there.

If you are looking to fill any gaps in your Inspirations magazine collection, now is the time to check online to see what’s back in stock.

As you can imagine, the rarer issues will get snapped up very quickly, so this is one link you should click on sooner than later!

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