The Penguin King by Georgina Bellamy

7th July 2023

Handsome. Regal. Adorable. Resplendent. The list of superlatives goes on. However you choose to describe The Penguin King by Georgina Bellamy, we can assure you that this is a show stopping piece of embroidery.

If you have never heard of Georgina Bellamy before, today may just be a game changer for you. Her three-dimensional stitched art is exceptional, highly regarded and hugely popular. 

Georgina is a professional embroidery designer based in the UK who has a remarkable talent for creating sculptured animals that exude personality.

One of the first projects to steal our hearts was her spectacular ‘Jewel of the Sea’ turtle from A Passion for Needlework 3.

Now you can create a friend for your turtle with The Penguin King from the book A Passion for Needlework 4.

Let’s take a closer look at how the penguin is constructed and what makes him so special.

The process of creating your own penguin begins with the feet. Two pieces of web shaped felt are fashioned into flippers using armature wire and covered in purl thread which, once attached, will form a stable platform for the body.

Layers of white felt are worked and sculptured to form the shape of the body and head, with the eyelids and eyes created next.

The feet are then secured to the body along with the wings before adding final layers of padding to bulk out and shape the head and body. Now it’s time to form the skin.

Glistening metal threads of various types and colours of purl are couched in place, cleverly intersecting with one another at strategic points to create a magnificent coat he wears proudly as his head looks up with huge puppy dog eyes that steal your heart. The rest of his body and chin are lined with felt and velvet with his beak and arms finished in leather.

If you are worried about how complex this type of project is to attempt, we have good news. As an overview, this design only uses five different stitches; chipping, couching, French knot, stab stitch and straight stitch.

The Penguin King is not so much an intense technique driven embroidery, but rather it is concept driven.

That is once you get an understanding for the process, it’s all about just taking it one step at a time and creating one element at a time. 

With over 60 how-to diagrams and extensive close-up photos, Georgina has done a superb job of providing all the work in progress snap shots for you to follow every step of the way.

Sourcing all the materials including the 11 different metallic purl threads has been made easy as well with The Penguin King Ready-to-Stitch kit. Simply open the box and follow the instructions from the book A Passion for Needlework 4 | The Whitehouse Daylesford (sold separately) and you’re ready to begin.

Three-dimensional embroidery is a wonderfully creative and satisfying process and once complete, you have the thrill of welcoming this delightful penguin into your family.

Make Your Own | The Penguin King

Step 1 – Purchase Project Instructions

The Penguin King by Georgina Bellamy is a three-dimensional penguin using goldwork embroidery techniques.

Printed Books

A Passion for Needlework 4 | The Whitehouse Daylesford

Step 2 – Purchase Ready-To-Stitch Kit

The Inspirations Ready-To-Stitch kit for The Penguin King includes everything* you need to re-create this stately king penguin: Fabrics (unprinted), wool felts, leather, wire, fibre-fill, string, sewing thread, embroidery threads, beads and needles.


The Penguin King – APFN4 Kit

*Please Note: To cater for flexibility of purchase, instructions are not included with our kits. For step-by-step directions on how to create this project, please refer to the book.

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