Tales from The Bobbin Tree | Magnifiers

17th February 2023

From our retail store The Bobbin Tree to you, our global needlework community, this week we bring you some handy magnifiers.

It’s no secret that some of the needlework projects we work on are so fine, it pushes the capabilities of our eyes to the limit.

It’s also no secret that as we age, our eyes are simply not as capable as they once were.

So why struggle when there are so many products available that not only give our eyes the boost they need, they make laying even the finest of stitches much easier.

Hands Free Magnifier

This handy headband comes with four interchangeable lenses with varying degrees of magnification to ensure you have the right lens for any job. The adjustable lightweight band makes it easy to wear without fatigue and can even be worn over glasses.

Hands Free Magnifier

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Clip On Magnifier  

For those of us who wear glasses, this is a great option that clips onto your frames for hands-free work, and easily flip up for normal wear.

Four interchangeable lenses are also included with this option to ensure your eyes get the perfect support they need.

Clip-on Spectacle Magnifiers

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If you’ve never used a magnifier before, maybe it’s time you joined the club… your eyes will thank you for it!

Inspirations Projects on Display

For any locals or needlework fans visiting our hometown of Adelaide, don’t forget to call in and check out all the original projects from Inspirations issue #117 and Susan O’Connor’s book Flowers for Elizabeth now on display in store.

And while you’re there, why not sign up for one of our weekly ‘Stitch ‘n’ Chat’ sessions. For more details about The Bobbin Tree including opening hours and lesson times, click HERE

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