Revealing Humanity in the Back
20th September 2019
So many of us are terribly concerned about the back of our work. Is it neat? Is it as good as the front? But artist Cayce Zavaglia has discovered that the messiness at the back of her exquisite embroidered portraits in fact says more about what it is to be human than the perfection of the front.
A portrait of Cayce Zavaglia’s son – front and back (source)
As a mother and an artist, Cayce is acutely aware that all of us have two sides, the one we show the world, and the messy one that we hide.
‘Yes, it’s messy and knotted, but it’s the source of strength.’
Front and back (source)
She hopes her work can encourage people to acknowledge and embrace both sides of themselves. But perhaps they may view the reverse of their embroidery in a new light as well.
You can read more about Cayce’s embroidery and art on the ABC News site HERE.