Here to Stay
21st June 2019
It would seem the headline, ‘Farewells’, from last week’s issue of All Stitched Up! HERE created a little anxiety for some of you and for that we do apologise. We received numerous emails and phone calls from people worried that we were going somewhere – we’re sorry for any confusion we may have caused, but rest assured, we’re most definitely here to stay!
The confusion we created made us realise that with many things in life, we often sit at one end of the spectrum or the other and rarely find ourselves balanced somewhere in the middle. And so it is with headlines and fine print!
Some of us are skim readers who just take in the headlines, whilst others read every word in even the finest of prints to ensure we don’t miss a single element. Think written articles, assembly guidelines or even stitching instructions.
We certainly had no intention of creating any anxiety for the headline readers out there and we’ll definitely think twice before using headings like ‘Farewells’ in the future! Rather than worrying about us going anywhere, the reality couldn’t be further from the truth.
The fine print below the headline went on to explain that we were simply saying goodbye to the current issue of Inspirations Magazine as we eagerly await the arrival of Inspirations issue #103 which is now only weeks away.
While the reactions to the headline took us by surprise, we were touched by the level of concern everyone shared at the prospect of us saying farewell and were amazed by the level of enthusiasm everyone showed by reading a headline and then acting on it immediately.
This reaction reminded us of the approach we sometimes use when reading stitching instructions – you may have noticed the ‘Before you Begin’ note that’s printed with each project in Inspirations that reads ‘we recommend that you read the complete article and instructions’. However, most of us at some point or another have let our enthusiasm to begin stitching get in the way of reading the fine print and we haven’t measured twice and cut once and now the time we’ve poured into needle and thread needs unstitching, or worse still, starting over because we missed a crucial piece of information contained in that fine print!
Here’s to all of us finding the balance between the headlines and fine print… and us not using anymore misleading words in our headlines!