Have Your Say

14th February 2020

Kilmeny Jones

‘Although Christmas now seems like a distant memory, you may recall our discussion of the history and use of candles in All Stitched Up! issue #216. In response, Kilmeny Jones wrote to us about an experience with candles and embroidery which she wanted to share:

In 1998 I was living in Ottawa, Ontario, and in December an ice storm rolled through. The storm lasted for a couple of days, during which time whole trees collapsed under the weight of the ice, as did many electricity towers. 

Hundreds of thousands of people ended up without power, some for over a month. I was lucky and was only without power for 41 cold, dark hours. 

I lit candles and tried to pass the time by stitching.

I probably shouldn’t have tried stitching navy blue on navy blue Hardanger by candlelight, but the exercise was very educational. You need a lot of candles to give you enough light to stitch! I only finished the 10cm square Hardanger piece years later as trying to work it by candlelight had caused me to put it away in frustration for a very long time.’

Kilmeny, we applaud your dedication to your stitching, even under such conditions! Perhaps we all need a good stock of candles in the house for moments just like these. Have any of you found yourself stitching in adverse conditions? We’d love to hear about it. Email your tale of stitching toil to news@inspirationsstudios.com.

Susan Mol

Susan Mol from Indiana, USA was inspired by our article on large embroidery projects back in All Stitched Up! issue #217 and this week she tell us of a wonderful discovery made by her guild.

‘Several years ago, Jeffrey Krull, our now retired Executive Director of the Allen County Public Library system, visited our monthly guild meeting.

He unfurled a 5’ by 6’ (1.5m x 1.8m) embroidered banner that his great uncle completed in the 1900’s. We were awestruck!

Our guild was then inspired to bring this embroidered banner into the public eye. We coordinated an exhibit at the Krull Gallery in our main library featuring this banner as well as 50 pieces from the Embroiderers’ Guild of America’s Permanent Collection.’

Wow! It is amazing what can be achieved by individual hands and this banner is a perfect example. Thank you, Susan, for helping to bring it to light and for telling us all about it.

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