A Change of Season
25th September 2020
It happens but four times a year, a change of season.
The two most obvious changes in season are usually the change from winter to spring and summer to autumn, the change of season we currently find ourselves in. The Southern Hemisphere is enjoying slightly longer days and markedly warmer temperatures whilst the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing the complete opposite – the daylight hours are now on a noticeable decline along with the temperature.
It’s interesting to note the changes we make in response to the change in season. Most deliberate would be our choice of clothing to accommodate the change in temperature. Often, however, we’ll also see changes in the time we find ourselves naturally waking in the mornings, the food we eat, the activities we gravitate toward and sometimes even our mood that coincides with the changes occurring in nature.
But what about our stitching, does it change with the seasons?
Whether it be consciously or subconsciously, we think it does.
We find our curiosity is piqued by the colours that are associated with the season in which we find ourselves – think bright spring, cool summer, warm autumn and dark winter hues. What about the fibres we choose to work with? Somehow it seems silks and cottons are our fibre of choice in spring and summer while autumn and winter find us reaching for wool. Sometimes even the length of our projects may be inversely dictated by the number of daylight hours in each day – longer days seem to call for smaller projects that allow us the time to enjoy the outdoors. Whilst the shorter, cooler and often wet days of winter encourage us to spend more time inside embarking on a project that requires many an hour of our time with needle and thread.
At the end of the day, if so much of our lives are dictated by the seasons, why shouldn’t our stitching be also? It is, after all, one of the most important parts of who we are and how we spend our time!
What about you, does your stitching change with the seasons? We’d love to know if the change in season changes what you put your needles and threads to. Let us know by emailing news@inspirationsstudios.com