
10th August 2018

In 1889 Oscar Wilde declared that ‘Life imitates Art’ and yet we often find that it is our stitching that imitates our lives, especially in our approach to needle and thread.

Many of the thoughts, beliefs, habits and processes we engage in throughout our lives are directly reflected in our practice with needle and thread. For some of us this serves us well, but for others we find our stitching limited because of them.

In her book, ‘The Gifts of Imperfection’, Brené Brown unpacks ten guideposts for wholehearted living – a way to cultivate the courage, compassion and connection to believe that no matter what gets done or how much is left undone, we are enough.

Isn’t that our aim - to ensure the time we spend with needle and thread is wholehearted and no matter the results, we find our stitching is simply enough?!

After considering Brené’s ten guideposts, we realised many of them have the ability to make us wholehearted stitchers…

Cultivate Authenticity | Let Go of What People Think
Cultivate Self-Compassion | Let Go of Perfectionism
Cultivate Gratitude and Joy | Let Go of Scarcity
Cultivate Intuition | Let Go of the Need for Certainty
Cultivate Creativity | Let Go of Comparison
Cultivate Calm and Stillness | Let Go of Anxiety

By approaching our stitching with each of these guideposts in mind, we’ll find our time spent with needle and thread becomes richer and the doors to amazing new possibilities open before us.

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