
29th June 2018

They say time flies when you’re having fun, so the fact that half of 2018 is almost behind us must indicate we’re having a LOT of fun!

It’s hard to believe so much time has passed since we rang in the New Year, and with the launch of our Inspirations 2019 Calendar in this week’s issue of All Stitched Up! it got us wondering where all the time has gone and whether we’ve made good use of it.

In Issue #122 of our newsletter (HERE), the first for 2018, we shared the concept of choosing three words for the New Year. Words that have personal meaning that are used as guideposts to help shepherd us towards the lasting results we’re hoping to achieve this year. We wondered what would happen if we made this idea specific to our needles and threads – could three simple words bring about a new direction in our stitching for 2018? Then we encouraged everyone to choose their own words to help guide each of our journeys.

With just six months of 2018 left, we realised that if we’re going to achieve what we’d set out at the beginning of the year, it was time for an honest stocktake!

Had we taken the time to write down our three words and post them anywhere and everywhere so they became a part of our everyday decision making process? More importantly, had we allowed them to create focus for the goals we’ve been working towards, the choices we’ve made and the projects we’ve undertaken?

We don’t know about you, but it turns out we’ve got a little way to go before we can say that 2018 heralded in a new us! But instead of losing hope, we’ve chosen to start afresh and use the ‘pressure’ of the remaining few months of 2018 to ensure we’re working towards the new us we were hoping the New Year was going to usher in.

We all know that a journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s refamiliarise ourselves with the words we chose for 2018 and set aside the time to work towards them a little – or a lot, depending on what our days allow – and let’s make the last six months of 2018 count. Our stitching is depending on it!

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