
7th December 2018

Time is often described as our most valuable, non-replenishable resource and yet if we’re honest, we don’t always make the best use of the time we have available!

To get the most out of our time, especially the fleeting minutes we have with needle and thread, we have to learn to manage our time well.

After listening to a Podcast by Craig Groeschel, we were challenged to think about some of the ways we could manage our time with needle and thread more effectively. One of the key points we took from Craig was the notion that ‘just because you can do something does not mean you should do something.’

Sometimes we find ourselves over committed because we’ve said yes to lots of small things, rather than committing ourselves to the one ‘big’ thing that lies before us – hence the many UFO’s we find ourselves surrounded by!

Craig’s Podcast has challenged us to ‘do the things which give us the highest return on our time and energy investment’.

Whether it be committing ourselves to perfecting a new technique or seeing a project through to completion, the things we do will be different for each of us, but the one common thread will be the fruitfulness we achieve when we manage our time deliberately with needle and thread to ensure we achieve all we set out to.

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