Day Stacking

11TH FEBRUARY 2022 - ASU #317

After writing the welcome to last week’s All Stitched Up! and determining to ‘get back to it’, we have to confess the process seemed a little daunting!

You may recall that we’d let the seemingly urgent come before the important and realised that ‘life’ had gotten in the way of some of the things we had once made a priority.

As a result, we determined that we were once again going to set aside the time to read the words of others as we looked for thoughts, ideas and inspiration as to how they approach the life before them and then share the more thought-provoking ones with you.

It turns out we read the first two emails with gusto, shared the inspiration we’d gleaned in last week’s Welcome to All Stitched Up! with enthusiasm, only to find there were another 156 emails before us!

We have to admit that we allowed the pressure of completing the task we’d put before ourselves to become overwhelming, but what were we to do? There were so many emails and seemingly so little time!

Luckily the concept of Day Stacking we’d recently discovered in Robin Sharma’s ‘The 5am Club’ came flooding back.

In essence, Day Stacking acknowledges that all too often we’re so focused on pursuing the big results in life, we forget the significant value of the small. Robin believes that ‘small daily, seemingly insignificant improvements, when done consistently over time, yield staggering results.’ He went on to state thatwhat you do each day matters far more than what you do once in a while.’

And so, we’ve determined to approach the unread emails, our stitching UFO’s and the cupboards we struggle to close the doors on with small, daily, seemingly insignificant improvements, knowing that the stacking of our efforts over days will indeed yield the results we’re after – an empty inbox, our final stitches laid and cupboards that close with ease.

Do you have a particular goal, task or project before you that would benefit from ‘small’? We look forward to hearing how you’re going to stack your days to ensure you achieve all you’ve set out to do.