New Digital Pattern | The Magical Pomegranate
14th February 2020
We always love to hear from you and better still, we absolutely love to grant your wishes! A little while ago, Linda emailed us on behalf of her mother-in-law asking about a pattern from an old issue of Inspirations Magazine:
‘My mother-in-law has been given a kit from a good friend for the beautiful project ‘The Magical Pomegranate’ however, since the kit was from issue #39 of Inspirations back in 2003, the magazine has been mislaid. We were wondering if the pattern is available to purchase after all this time?’
Linda, we couldn’t let your mother-in-law miss out on the joy of stitching this kit, so our team has just released the digital pattern of ‘The Magical Pomegranate’ which is now available to purchase.
This project, by Lesley Turpin-Delport, is worked in rich ruby reds and soft greens, utilising an array of stitches, fibres and techniques. The result is a magical rendition of the King of Fruits, just begging to be stitched.