
17th July 2020

In a Do Lectures recent email, David Hieatt spoke of a lesson hard learnt.

To make a long story short, in his late teens David found himself picking daffodils for a penny a bunch. That meant that if he was able to pick 5,000 daffodils in a day, he would earn £5 for his efforts.

Whilst he became proficient at the task before him, it wasn’t long before the toll of such physical work became apparent and after reviewing the economics of his days, he realised it was actually costing him £7 a day for the food that would fuel his efforts to earn only £5. 

Needless to say, David moved on from that job, but not before declaring that:

‘easy ain’t a good teacher!’

After reading his email, our thoughts turned toward the time we’ve spent with needle and thread only to realise how true his words really are.

Sure, there are lessons we’ve learnt when the stitching was easy, but the ‘true’ lessons that we’ve been taught through needle and thread are when the stitching was anything but easy!

Sometimes it was the size of the project, the difficulty of the technique or the intricacy of the design that became our teacher, but when we managed to persevere through it all, we learnt that we were far more capable than we ever thought possible.

From there, life lessons such as patience, persistence, resourcefulness and tenacity flowed, and are but a few that come to mind.

How about you? What are the life lessons you’ve been taught through needle and thread? Email news@inspirationsstudios.com, we can’t wait to share in your lessons learnt.

And just remember, when the stitching before you feels impossible and the lessons too hard learnt, let the words of Audrey Hepburn encourage you, ‘Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!

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