Have Your Say

8th May 2020

Journaling | Your Responses

During a time when the circumstances around us give rise to reflecting on who we are, what’s important and how the people around us are all coping, it is appropriate that our discussion about journaling in All Stitched Up! issue #225 caused so many of you to write in. 

Now more than ever, a journal is a wonderful way to record, reflect and preserve this moment. Hopefully after reading these stories, you too will be inspired to start a journal.

Stephanie Murphy

‘Regarding your suggestions about a stitching journal. I try to remember to take a photograph or scan of each stitching piece I finish, whether it be framed or a pillow etc.

It’s important to me to take a photograph of the stitching, so I can look back on the year and say ‘I accomplished this’.

I started this habit a couple of years back. Just viewing the digital images brings back memories of what I was doing, who received the stitched item, and the enjoyment of each adventure!’

A photograph is a perfect way of recording your work Stephanie, and as most of us carry cameras with us all of the time, thanks to our smartphones, it makes this even easier. There are also places where those photographs can be stored online and shared so other people can enjoy your achievements or be preserved for posterity. 

Of course, it is also great to go the old-fashioned route and print the photographs out to keep in a book or an album. We know of one stitcher who has been doing this for several decades. Most of her work has been gifted or given away, but she always keeps the memories of her many hours of stitching.

Mary Johnson

‘When I was a young mother and wanted an up-to-date sewing machine (one with zig zag features) I felt I had to justify this expensive purchase. As a result, I have therefore kept a diary note of everything I have ever used that machine for. I even carried the habit on for its successor!

My daughters have followed this foible of mine. Although, I wish I had the memory to go with the diary. Now, what was that quilt stitched in Dec ‘70?!’

Thank you, Mary, it sure is difficult to know now what details you might wish you had kept many years into the future. At the time, it probably seemed like you’d never forget that particular quilt, but time has a habit of erasing things.

Roberta Kenney

‘I have tried keeping a journal of each day’s stitching efforts. It only lasted a little while since I would rather spend the effort stitching.’

This is indeed a problem Roberta! With a finite number of stitching hours in a day, why would you sacrifice a single one? We find that journals don’t need to be a missive as such, nor completed in full every day, instead jotting a few notes while you’re waiting at the doctor’s surgery or scribbling down an idea while the kettle is boiling can be all one needs. 

There is no right or wrong way to journal – the process is a personal one and may differ for each of us.

We’d love to hear more from you about journaling – whether you do it, how you do it or if you have perhaps started recently while we are spending more time in our homes.

In particular as these strange days blend into one another, it’s nice to see reflected through our journals each little bit of progress we achieve and each tiny step we take which leads us towards a better future.

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