
31st August 2018

Gretchen Ruben had an epiphany one rainy afternoon… ‘Time is passing and I’m not focusing on the things that really matter.’ In that moment she decided to dedicate a year to her happiness project. Her book, ‘The Happiness Project’ chronicles her lively and compelling account of that year. From being serious about play, right through to pursuing a passion, each month Gretchen focused on a resolution she believed would improve her life.

After coming across her book again recently, we realised there are times our stitching could use a little 'Happiness Project' of its own! After all, times is passing and we each need to ensure we're focusing on the stitching that really matters.

We wondered if it would be possible to use Gretchen’s ‘formula’ for happiness and apply it to our stitching, and we think it just may be!

While each of our happiness projects will be unique, Gretchen suggests we ask ourselves the following questions that will help us create a road map for own journey to happiness:

What makes you feel good? What stitching do you find fun, satisfying or energising?

What makes you feel bad? What is it about the needle and thread that has become a source of anger, irritation, boredom, frustration or anxiety?

Is there any way in which you don’t feel right about your stitching? Are you living up to your expectations for yourself?

Do you have sources that provide an atmosphere of growth? In what elements of your stitching do you find progress, learning, challenge, improvement and increased mastery?

While the stitching references above have been added in by us, we think you’ll agree that your answers to Gretchen’s questions may just be the food for thought needed to establish your own resolutions that will become a part of your stitching’s Happiness Project.

We look forward to hearing where your Happiness Project takes you…

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