Gather. Grow. Go
30th April 2021
In last week’s All Stitched Up! we unpacked the idea of building a village that supports our journey with needle and thread and walked through Hannah Brencher’s approach to creating one.
Over time, Hannah realised that if she let others see her ‘real’ self, worked on building relationships rather than just making acquaintances, made herself available to others by meeting a need as well as accepting the help offered to her, and ensured she was consistent in showing up, a village would indeed be built around her.
After hearing about a similar approach to village building that a local Church in Adelaide has implemented, we realised there is indeed genius in the order. Their approach has been distilled down to three simple words.
Gather. Grow. Go.
These words encourage everyone to gather together at Church, as well as in small groups at each other’s homes, one-on-one, or via technology if they’re not able to meet in person. This enables them to grow as individuals as they walk through shared resources and dialogue with each other throughout.
They then go by serving within their congregation as well as finding a way to meet the need of someone in their community, in turn inviting them to become a part of the process. A ‘Gather, Grow, Go Circle’ is created, affirming Hannah’s approach that small, intentional steps when set on repeat create a beautiful cycle that allow our relationships to blossom from acquaintance to tribe.
Do you have a similar cycle in your journey with needle and thread?
We’d love to hear how you gather with your needlework tribe, whether it’s in groups large or small, one-on-one, or virtually. The ways in which you grow, be it by learning specific techniques together, working on a common project or simply dialoguing your progress and working together to solve the challenges your individual projects create. Then how you go by offering your skills and talents to those within your village and taking your craft to those yet to become part of your tribe.
Not only does this circular approach allow us to build a village that supports our time with needle and thread, it means the art of needlework is preserved as we pass it on to those yet to experience the gentle push and pull of needle and thread through fabric.