Deep Roots
16th June 2023
We recently heard an address where the speaker was referencing how our capacity to thrive was directly related to the depths of our roots and/or foundations in life. He unpacked some statistics about a particular tree whose roots are deeper than the tree is tall, and a building whereby the depth of its foundation exceeds the height of the structure. Whilst we may never see these roots or foundations, the very fact they exist means we’re able to enjoy the form they support.
As we listened with interest, we couldn’t help but consider the principle in light of our time with needle and thread.
One of the incredible privileges we have in working at Inspirations HQ is our access to both Susan O’Connor and Ellaine Bronsert. No doubt many of you will recognise their names from the pages of Inspirations Magazine. Susan is our Editor, and Ellaine our Assistant Editor. Between the two of them, they are responsible for writing and proofreading the instructions for the projects that appear in our publications, with Ellaine’s remit also being to produce the images that walk you through the stitches used within the designs step by step.
Their incredible depth of knowledge when it comes to stitching techniques and individual stitches is unparalleled. They’re able to look at a project and, in an instant, name both the technique and individual stitches used, describe how each stitch is formed, whilst also naming many of the individual requirements used within the design.
Their roots with needle and thread run incredibly deep, and the extraordinary result of this is that we get to benefit from the roots they’ve established.
The time they’ve spent nurturing their roots mean we get the reward of having access to instructions that allow us to recreate the works of renowned designers, step-by-step photographs that walk us through the most complicated of individual stitches, as well as the countless designs Susan has published in the pages of our publications. And whilst Ellaine’s time with needle and thread may only have made it to the pages of the publications in step-by-step form, we have it on good authority that the fruits of her knitting labours are keeping her family’s toes incredibly warm this winter!
Not only are we thankful for the depth of their roots, but they encourage us to consider the depth of our own roots with needle and thread as we realise they’re directly linked to the fruit we’re able to produce.