
26th April 2019

A debut is defined as a first appearance, a launch or a public introduction.

Can you recall your stitching debut, the moment when you shared your stitching with the world for the very first time?

For some of us this moment will have been significant and will be forever etched in our minds, whilst for others our stitching debut was more a gradual coming of age than a singular moment in time.

Whichever the case may be, your stitching debut was significant as it was the start of your journey with needle and thread that’s brought you to where you are today. And, if you’re anything like us, we’re incredibly grateful for that one moment or gradual becoming, as we’re now reaping the many benefits of what stitching brings to our lives each time we engage in this magnificent pursuit.

This week Inspirations has a debut of its own as we start unpacking the projects from our latest issue, Inspirations #102.

Whilst perhaps not as significant as our initial debut when the very first issue of Inspirations was released, the debut of every issue, we believe, is still noteworthy and worth celebrating!

In fact, this week we have a double debut as not only are we debuting the first project from Inspirations #102 – Going Nuts – but it’s also a debut for the project’s designer, Rose Nordenberg, as this is the first time her stitching has graced the pages of Inspirations Magazine.

As you enjoy our double debut, we hope it brings back fond memories of your own stitching debut. In fact, we’d love to hear how you shared your stitching with the world for the very first time! Email us about that single moment or your gradual becoming that started you on your journey with needle and thread to

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