A Role to Play

5th February 2021

A recent email from Hannah Brencher got us thinking.

In her email, Hannah unpacked the idea that each of us have a role to play in the stories of other people.

Whilst COVID-19 has presented many a challenge, it has also bestowed upon us the gift of time. Many of us have relished this gift and pursued needle and thread like never before, with the introverts among us also settling into the idea of never having to leave the house again!

But Hannah challenged us with one simple thought.

Just because you cannot gather and meet in the way you're used to doesn't mean you get a pass on your relationships.

Sometimes it’s hard to up look from our stitching and outside ourselves amidst the chaos that still surrounds us, but what if we took a moment to, is there someone we need to show up for? 

Sure, it may have been easier to show up for other people when life was ‘normal’, but how do we show up, encourage or cheer on those around us as we find our new normal going forward?

For each of us this will look a little different depending on who our people are and what gathering restrictions are currently in place where we live. But no matter what, there’ll always be a way for us to play our part in the stories of others. It’s simply about taking our thoughts and putting them into action – an email, phone call or handwritten note may be all it takes until we can go the extra mile in person once again.

It takes a village to continually fight forward in life, and each of us are a part of someone else’s community and they need us to play our part in their story so they can keep writing the pages they have before them. Who can you show up for today?

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