2019 Calendar
29th June 2018
As we enter the second half of 2018, things are really starting to ramp up here at Inspirations. Over the past six months we’ve been working hard behind the scenes to prepare for a huge end to our anniversary year including Inspirations Issue #100, a brand-new A Passion for Needlework book, the 10th Beating Around the Bush and more… so the best is definitely yet to come.
In fact, there is so much yet to come, we’re getting started right now by launching our 2019 wall calendar TODAY!
Why a Wall Calendar?
In the digital age we live, wall calendars are an endangered species, along with their cousin, the paper diary. Yet as needleworkers we believe there are still good reasons to own one.
Permission to Flaunt
You may not have posters of needlework stuck all over the walls of your sewing room like a teenager’s bedroom, but it’s important to keep your passion top of mind. A wall calendar is a very socially acceptable way for adults to flaunt their hobbies, some of our readers go all out and have an Inspirations calendar in their kitchen, laundry, bedroom, even their husband’s shed (ok that one is probably taking things a little too far!). Anywhere you spend a lot of time is the perfect place to add some needlework inspiration to your life, even if for some of us it’s the restroom!
You Are What You Watch
If you want to create beautiful things with your needle and thread, then immerse yourself with images that will inspire you. Our eyes are the windows to our souls, so let the light of the world’s most beautiful needlework shine in.
Still Not Convinced?
Here is an extract from the welcome page inside the 2019 Inspirations wall calendar:
'Beautiful – it immediately arrests your attention. Distractions become peripheral, everything slows down and in a moment, you are taken by beauty. It seduces you and captivates your senses. Nothing else matters. Resistance is futile. Beautiful has won... it always does.
Let beautiful take over your life with the 2019 ‘World’s Most Beautiful Needlework’ calendar by Inspirations. 12 gorgeous projects hand-picked for the sole purpose of inspiring you to pick up your needle and stitch, which in turn makes the world a more beautiful place.’
Need we say anything further?
Can’t Wait to Get Started?
The project featured on the front cover of the 2019 Inspirations calendar is ‘All Tied Up!’ and as we still have a limited number of kits available, for anyone interested in getting a jump start on 2019, today is your day!
Make Your Own All Tied Up!
Step 1 – Purchase Project Instructions
All Tied Up! by Gioja Ralui from Inspirations #94 is a handy fabric tray with tied corners worked in Sardinian embroidery.
All Tied Up!
Step 2 – Purchase Ready-To-Stitch Kit
The Inspirations Ready-To-Stitch kit for All Tied Up! includes everything you need to re-create this handy tray: Fabrics (unprinted), interfacing, ribbon, embroidery thread and needles.