15 Minutes

5th July 2019

When we recently received Hannah Brencher’s weekly email titled ‘The Halfway Mark | Hunker Down + Make it Happen’ we almost fell off our chairs!

Where had the first half of 2019 gone? It’s almost as if we blinked and missed it!

Hannah’s email went on to encourage us to rededicate ourselves to the momentum and productivity that would help us achieve the goals we’d set at the onset of 2019 and reminded us that ‘I don’t have time’ is not a great excuse for a lack of progress on our behalf.

We have to confess that ‘I don’t have time’ is an oft used phrase by many of us at Inspirations and we regularly find ourselves searching for a few more hours in each day in order to achieve everything we’ve set before ourselves. But the truth is, time needs to be made rather than found.

What if we were to put aside just 15 minutes a day to focus on something that would help move us forward towards our goals?

Marla Cilley, known to most as Flylady, believes that ‘Anyone can do anything for only 15 minutes, even if they have to break it down into five-minute segments.’

And we think this might just be the secret to reigniting the momentum and productivity that’s been lacking in some areas of our lives!

Is there something you could do for just 15 minutes a day that would move you towards achieving the goals you’d set for yourself this year?

Join us as we ‘find’ the extra hours we’re looking for each day one 15-minute segment at a time…

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